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2009 Team on The Diama/NW Route

In 2009 a bigger international team lead by an Austrian will attempt the same or a similar route....

16.06.2009 14:57

Our Friends off to Hunza Peak in Pakistan

We wish Harry, Klaus and Jakob best of luck with their attempt of a first ascent on Hunza Peak!

17.08.2008 23:55

Iranian Expedition - One lost

Saman Nemati got lost on summit day

25.07.2008 22:28


Would you like to visit us in Nanga Parbat base-camp?

We will have a visitor tent in the base-camp (4250m) where you can spend a few days at the foot of the Diamir face of Nanga Parbat. The base-camp is unusual for an 8000m peak since it is at relatively low altitude and you will find flowers there!

The journey from Islamabad to the base-camp takes at least five days. If you wish you can make more stopps.
Day 1 Arrival in Islamabad
Day 2 about 12 hours bus drive on Karakorum Highway along the impressive Indus river to Chilas
Day 3 Drive to Bunar and from there by jeep up to Hallay Bridge (1800m) and Zangot
Day 4 Trek to Kachall (2900m) ca. 5-6 hours
Day 5 Trek to base-camp (4250m) ca. 6-7 hours

Please contact us if you are interested!
